Brush (default): Uses the Brushes transform to position and scale the textures.
UV: Uses the built in uv of the mesh. Create erasers by using this with the the objects base textures.
Vertex: Uses the vertices of the mesh, so regardless of the brush or object position it will give consistent results.
World Vertex: Like vertex space, but uses the meshes world position as well.
Rotate Mode
- Static: Textures won't rotate with the Brush.
- Brush: Textures rotate with the Brush.
- Brush Inverted: Yeah. Don't know what purpose this could serve.
Offset An offset to the brush's rotation. Mostly added for when working with the uv method.
Tile & Offset
Texture Smith will ignore a textures built in wrap mode and does it manually.
Wrap Mode
- Clamp: Clamp.
- Repeat (default): Tile effect.
- Mirror: Mirrors the tile every 2nd time.